Postur kerja yang baik pada masinis sangatlah diperlukan pada lingkungan kerja yang cenderung statis, terutama untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi, performa serta mengurangi resiko musculoskeletal disorder. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan usulan desain kursi terbaik, baik dari segi ukuran dan material yang mampu mengakomodasi masinis dari segala bentuk resiko cidera akibat postur maupun getaran yang ditimbulkan oleh kereta.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai Posture Evaluation Index (PEI) yang diperoleh menggunakan konfigurasi Virtual Human Modeling pada software Jack dan pengukuran Whole Body Vibration. Hasil yang terbaik merupakan usulan desain yang memberikan nilai PEI terendah dan memiliki kemampuan meredam getaran terbaik.
Appropriate working posture is really important for train driver since their work environment is tend to be static. Good working posture can increase train driver's concentration, performance and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorder. The study was conducted with the purpose to provide the best proposed seat design, with appropriate seat size based on train driver's anthropometry and appropriate material to accommodate them from the risk of injury due to posture and vibration caused by train. The research was conducted by comparing the value of Posture Evaluation Index (PEI) obtained using the configuration of the Virtual Human Modeling by Jack software and also Whole Body Vibration measurement. The best design is selected from which can give the lowest value of PEI and have the best material ability to reduce vibration.