Pengembangan antibiotik baru yang memiliki spektrum aktivitas yang lebih luas seperti antibiotik β-laktam baru yaitu aztreonam (monobaktam), imipenem dan meropenem (karbapenem) telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah resistensi antibiotik. Ada kemungkinan akan muncul terapi kombinasi antara aztreonam, imipenem, atau meropenem di masa mendatang. Metode kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi yang sederhana dan reprodusibel telah dikembangkan untuk memisahkan ketiga senyawa tersebut. Sistem kromatografi terdiri dari kolom Zorbax SB-Phenyl (4,55mm x 25cm) dengan fase gerak metanol - kalium dihidrogen fosfat pH 6,8 (1:5). Larutan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 294 nm dengan laju alir 1,2 mL/menit. Pada tahap validasi, metode dinyatakan linear dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) untuk aztreonam, imipenem, dan meropenem berturut-turut 0,9991, 0,9992, dan 0,9990; presisi dengan nilai koefisien variasi (KV) 1,30%, 1,26%, dan 1,14%, serta akurasi dengan nilai perolehan kembali untuk 3 konsentrasi sebesar 98% - 102%. Metode ini juga memenuhi kriteria uji selektivitas. Pada analisis sampel, kedua sampel simulasi memenuhi akurasi dengan nilai perolehan kembali sebesar 98% - 102% dan nilai koefisien variasi (KV) tidak melebihi 2%.
Development of new antibiotics that have a broader spectrum of activity such as new β-lactam antibiotics; aztreonam (monobactam), imipenem and meropenem (carbapenems) has been performed to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance. There is possibility of combination therapy will emerge between aztreonam, imipenem, or meropenem in the future. A simple and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed to separate these three compounds. Chromatography was performed on a Zorbax SB-Phenyl column (4,55mm x 25cm) under isocratic elution with methanol - potassium dihydrogen phospate pH 6,8 (1:5). Detection was made at 294 nm with analysis was run at a flow-rate of 1,2 mL/min. In validation stage, the calibration curve was linear by r values for aztreonam, imipenem, and meropenem successively 0,9991, 0,9992, and 0,9990, precision by coefficient of variation (CV) were 1,30%, 1,26%, and 1,14%, also accurate by % recovery for 3 concentrations were 98% - 102%. This method also meets the test criteria of selectivity. In the analysis of sample, two simulated samples accurate by % recovery were 98% - 102% and by the coefficient of variation (CV) not more than 2%.