Nowadays, there are many diseases that are caused by weather and viruses. The govemment had an idea to solve the problem by cooperate with insurance that provided health insurance product, and one of the insurance was PT. MAA Life Assurance. When the insurance company sold the product, they accompanied by broker insurance. Broker insurance served as an intermediary between insurance and customer. Researcher tried to find out the correlation between satisfaction with loyalty of health insurance’s customer PT. MAA Life Assurance when the customer used insurance broker Services. The research used quantitative approach in order to have understanding and strong interpretation about a social phenomenon through research. The research was among descriptive research to described research object based on the fact notice from the sample research or as it is. Primary data gathering were acquired by spreading the questionnaires to discover consumer from respondents’ experience when they bought health insurance product from PT. MAA Life Assurance and used broker insurance Services. Secondary data were acquired by literature study to optimized theoretical framework in decided the purpose and goal of the research also the concept and other theoretical material in conjunction with research problem. The data analyses used multiple linier regression. Analysis result in the research concluded about there was a correlation between satisfaction with customer loyalty of PT. MAA Life Assurance’s Customer. Quality of product, price, and Services also gave contribution in loyalty customer.