The practices of good offices as a mean of peaceful settlement of dispute have been recognized by states and international organizations for ages. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an international regional organization in the Southeast Asia region, which has a dispute settlement mechanism for its member states through the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation 1976, ASEAN Charter 2007, and Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms 2010. Indonesia?s implementations of good offices under the ASEAN mechanism as a member state of ASEAN were depicted in the Moro National Liberation Movement Case, Dispute of Spratly Islands, as well as in the Thailand and Cambodia Border Dispute. Despite the fact there have not been many good offices practices within the ASEAN, this method has given significant results due to its implementation upon the previous disputes.
Praktek good offices sebagai bentuk penyelesaian sengketa internasional secara damai telah diakui oleh negara maupun organisasi internasional sejak lama. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) merupakan organisasi internasional regional di kawasan Asia Tenggara memiliki mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa bagi negara-negara anggotanya melalui good offices yang tertuang dalam Treaty of Amity and Cooperation 1976, Piagam ASEAN 2007, dan Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms 2010. Penerapan good offices Indonesia sebagai salah satu anggota ASEAN berdasarkan mekanisme ASEAN telah diterapkan dalam kasus pemberontakan Front Pembebasan Bangsamoro, sengketa atas Kepulauan Spratly, dan sengketa perbatasan antara Thailand dan Kamboja. Metode good offices belum banyak digunakan dalam lingkup ASEAN, akan tetapi metode ini telah membuahkan hasil yang signifikan pada sengketa-sengketa yang telah diselesaikan menggunakan metode good offices.