Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan di desa ditujukan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui kebijakan, program dan kegiatan yang sesuai dengan esensi masalah dan prioritas kebutuhan masyarakat. Esensi masalah dimaksud sebenarnya bersumber dari persoalan dalam pemberian pelayanan publik. Dalam tesis ini membahas tentang pelayanan publik pada pemerintahan desa di desa Cigedog kabupaten Brebes.
Berdasarkan indikator yang ditetapkan PP No. 72/2005 sebagai pedoman dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik di Desa Cigedog Kabupaten Brebes Jawa Tengah, meliputi administrasi kependudukan, pelaporan desa dan kearsipan desa juga belum optimal dilaksanakan, dan itu jelas berdampak pada pelaksanaan fungsi pelayanan publik di Desa Cigedog yang belum optimal pula. Hal ini dikarenakan pelaksanaan administrasi desa masih sangat minim serta tingkat pendidikan aparatur desa maupun BPD terlihat masih dominan, sehingga mempengaruhi efisiensi dan efektivitas pelayanan publik sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan administrasi desa sebagaimana tuntutan PP No. 72/2005.
Governance and implementation of rural development is addressed to improve living standards and welfare through policy, programs and activities in according with essence of the problem and priority needs of the communities. The essence of the problem is actually sourced from the issue in granting of public services. In this thesis we will talk about the public service in the village government at Cigedog Village Brebes Regency.
Based on the indicators set in PP No. 72/2005 as a guide in improving public services at Cigedog Village Brebes Regency Middle Java, include the administration of residence, villages reporting and village archives also not been implemented optimally, and it clearly affects the implementation of public service functions at Cigedog Village is not optimal as well. This is because the implementation of the village administration still very low and education levels of the village officials even BPD are looks still dominant, thus affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of public services as part of implementation of the village administration as demands in PP No. 72/2005.