ABSTRAKMetarhizium majus UICC 295 adalah kapang entomopatogen. Penelitian bertujuan membuat dan menguji formula M. majus UICC 295 menggunakan media pembawa substrat jagung (Zea mays) terhadap larva Oryctes rhinoceros dengan metode kontak langsung, serta mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan waktu penyimpanan terhadap viabilitas konidia/hifa kapang pada formula. Pengujian suspensi konidia/hifa kapang sebanyak (2,42 ± 0,50) x 106 CFU/ml menyebabkan kematian larva 100% dalam 9--14 hari. Pembuatan formula dengan menginokulasikan biomassa kapang sebanyak 10% (berat/berat) ke dalam jagung. Pengujian formula dengan jumlah konidia/hifa (1,77 ± 0,73) x 106 CFU/g menyebabkan kematian larva 100% dalam 7--13 hari. Penyimpanan formula pada suhu 25--27° C dan 4° C selama 30 hari menyebabkan penurunan viabilitas
konidia/hifa berturut-turut sebesar 93,95% dan 91,19%.
AbstractMetarhizium majus UICC 295 is an entomopathogenic fungus. This research investigated the use of corn as a carrier for formulation of Metarhizium majus UICC 295, application of the formula on Oryctes rhinoceros larvae, and the effect of temperature and time on the conidia/hyphal viability during storage. Application of conidia/hyphal suspension (2.42 ± 0.50) x 106 CFU/ml caused 100% larval mortality within 9--14 days. Formulation was carried out by inoculation of 10% (w/w) fungal biomass into corn. Application of the formula containing conidia/hyphae (1.77 ± 0.73) x 106 CFU/g caused 100% larval mortality within 7--13 days. The conidia/hyphal viability in the formula was decreased 93.95% and 91.19%, after storage for 30 days at 25--27° C and 4° C, respectively.