Kualitas dari interaksi orangtua dan anak memegang peran penting dalam perkembangan attachment yang secure pada anak. Tesis dengan desain penelitian single-case ini menggunakan theraplay untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari interaksi orangtua dan anak sekaligus mengatasi insecure attachment. Partisipan penelitian adalah anak perempuan berusia tujuh tahun dengan karakteristik insecure attachment dan didiagnosis mengalami parent-child relational problems. Sesi terapi dilakukan sebanyak sembilan sesi selama ±30-40 menit setiap sesinya.
Hasil yang diperoleh adalah penerapan theraplay efektif meningkatkan relasi orangtua dan anak secara positif, sekaligus membangun secure attachment pada anak. Perubahan positif pada interaksi orangtua dan anak teramati melalui tiga dimensi dalam MIM: (1) engagement, (2) nurture, (3) challenge. Selain itu, hasil dari CBCL juga menunjukkan perubahan perilaku anak yang terukur pada skala somatic complaints dan delinquent behavior.
Quality of parent-child interaction plays a very important factor in the development of secure attachment in children. This thesis examined the effectiveness of theraplay to improve the quality of parent-child interaction using a single-case research design. A seven-year old Indonesian girl with insecure style of attachment and is diagnosed of having parent-child relational problems was selected to participate in this study. The study was conducted for a total of nine sessions, and each session was conducted for approximately 30-40 minutes. The results indicated that theraplay was found to effective in improving positive parent-child relation and in developing secure attachment. As parent-child interaction improved, that were measured from three dimensions? MIM between parent and child increased: (1) engagement; (2) nurture; (3) challenge. The results of CBCL also indicated that the participant?s scores on somatic complaints and delinguent behavior scales were decreased as well.