Penelitian ini bertujuan menurunkan burnout pengasuh di Panti Sosial Marsudi Putra (PSMP) "X" Jakarta yang merehabilitasi anak berkebutuhan khusus juvenile delinquency dengan meningkatkan dukungan sosial di tempat kerja melalui pelatihan empathic listening skill dan constructive feedback skill. Desain penelitian menggunakan one group pre test ? post test. Hasil analisis data menunjukan intervensi pelatihan empathic listening skill dan constructive feedback skill belum berhasil meningkatkan dukungan sosial di tempat kerja dan belum berhasil menurunkan seluruh dimensi burnout. Namun pelatihan empathic listening skill saja yang telah berhasil menurunkan dimensi depersonalization dari burnout.
This research aims to reduce foster parent burnout in Panti Sosial Marsudi Putra (PSMP) "X" Jakarta which is rehabilitating children with special needs ?juvenile delinquency? by improving social support at work through empathic listening skill training and constructive feedback skill training. The research design using the analysis result one group pre test - post test. The data analysis result shows that intervention by empathic listening skill and constructive feedback skill training has not succeeded in improving social support at workplace and have not managed to reduce a whole dimension of burnout. However, empathic listening skill training has been successful in reducing the dimension of depersonalization of burnout.