Tesis ini membahas tentang Difusi Inovasi Posyandu Peduli TAT yang terjadi di Kota Malang tahun 2012. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Inovasi Posyandu Peduli TAT bersifat menguntungkan, persepsi kompatibilitas sasaran terhadap inovasi baik, tidak sulit untuk dipahami dan dilakukan, serta dapat diujicobakan. Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap (persuasion dan decision) serta perilaku (implementation dan confirmation) mengenai inovasi posyandu peduli TAT dikategorikan baik. Dapat disimpulkan difusi Inovasi Posyandu Peduli TAT berjalan dengan baik walaupun waktunya relatif singkat, yaitu lima bulan.
This thesis discussed about the diffusion of innovation for ?Posyandu (Integrated Ministry Post) Tumbuh Aktif Tanggap happened at Malang city 2012. This research was a quantitative research with descriptive design. From the research result, it was concluded that the characteristics for innovation of Posyandu Peduli TAT were: beneficial, the perception of compatibility toward innovation was well, it was not difficult to be understood and done, and also able to be tested. The level of knowledge, attitude (persuasion and decision) also behavior (implementation and confirmation) about innovation of Posyandu Peduli TAT were categorized as good. The conclusion, innovation of Posyandu Peduli TAT was well proceed although the time was relatively short, 5 months.