Tesis ini ingin menguji pengaruh bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh majalah wanita terhadap brand equity , serta hubungannya dengan media credibility majalah tersebut yang dilihat dari isi pemberitaan artikel dan iklan editorial. Majalah wanita yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah Majalah Femina dibandingkan terhadap Majalah Cosmopolitan. Penelitian menggunakan metode Structural Equations Modelling (SEM). Berdasarkan data dari 230 responden maka dapat diketahui bahwa dalam industri majalah wanita, kualitas produk dan promosi berpengaruh positif terhadap pembentukan brand equity. Kemudian didapatkan temuan bahwa brand equity berpengaruh terhadap media credibility yang diukur dari aspek isi pemberitaan artikel, namun brand equity tidak berpengaruh secara positif dalam pembentukan media credibility dari aspek iklan editorial pada majalah wanita.
This thesis examined the effect of the marketing mix is done by women's magazine on brand equity, and its relationship with the media credibility of the magazine is seen from the contents of the news articles and editorial advertising. Women's magazine who were subjected to experiments is Femina and cod compared it again its main competitor, Cosmopolitan. This research using the method of Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Based on data from 230 respondents it is known that in the women's magazine industry, product quality and promotions have a positive influence on the formation of brand equity. Then the obtained findings that brand equity effect on media credibility is measured from the aspect of the content of news articles, but brand equity but does not affect positively on media credibility is measured from the aspect of the advetorial advertising in women's magazine.