The author elaborates concerning the corruption case`s which involved former judge Harini Whoso whom acting her recent advocate jobs for Probosutedjo as the accused corruption ?s actor. The advocate here then becomes accused also by doing corruption practices on bribery ways. in the court 's session the accusation of public prosecutors to Harini have reflected the criminal efforts. Under Indonesian Criminal Law its classified as 'formal delicate' (formal offensive) which then has qualified Probosutedjo as the involved actor of crime performers. In fact then Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has overruled through Probosutedjo as the accused. The author here has thought that Probosutedjo is not the whistleblower by himself involved on criminal conduct's. in this case the KPK have practiced inconsistency and abuse du droit by considering that KPK haven ?t authorized to suspend the investigation or due process of prosecution.