Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menginvestigasi pengaruh implementasi deposit insurance system (DIS) terhadap depositor dan bank. Pertanyaan fundamental yang ingin dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah implementasi DIS memperbaiki tingkat deposit bank umum di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan panel data analysis dengan pendekatan random effect yang memungkinkan analisis terhadap perbedaan individu dan waktu.
Studi membuktikan bahwa implementasi DIS di Indonesia efektif meningkatkan deposit bank umum di Indonesia. Disamping itu, dana masyarakat juga semakin terbesar dan tidak terkonsentrasi pada bank milik pemerintah. Namun demikian, dari studi ini tidak terbukti bahwa implementasi DIS menimbulkan moral hazard pihak bank umum dalam bentuk peningkatan risk taking dalam bentuk penurunan komposisi modal terhadap aset atau peningkatan komposisi kredit terhadap aset bank.
This study evaluates the impact of the deposit insurance system (DIS) to the depositors and banks in Indonesia. The implementation of explisit deposit insurance system in Indonesia is managed by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC). The fundamental question tried to answer in this research is whether the DIS improved the effectiveness of the banking system evidenced by the increased of the bank level of deposit. The research conducted in a panel data analysis using the random effect model approach, that controlled individual and time. The research find that the deposit level of the bank has improved since the deposit insurance is available. It also find that the deposit is not concentrated in the state controlled banks any longer since the implementation of DIS in Indonesia. Another good news is that the study did not find that the DIS affect the increasing of bank risk taking not only the composition of credit to asset, but also the level of equity to asset of the bank.