Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana tanggapan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan prima yang telah dijalankan LBC selama Januari-Oktober 2011, bagaimana ekuitas pelanggan, bagaimana loyalitas pelanggan, bagaimana pengaruh pelayanan prima terhadap terbentuknya ekuitas pelanggan, serta adakah pengaruh loyalitas pelanggan terhadap hubungan antara pelayanan prima dengan ekuitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian survey. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan ialah systematic random sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) tanggapan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan prima yang dilaksanakan LBC Surabaya cukup baik, (b) pelanggan memiliki loyalitas dan ekuitas yang cukup tinggi terhadap LBC Surabaya, (c) terdapat pengaruh yang cukup kuat dari pelayanan prima yang dilaksanakan LBC terhadap terbentuknya ekuitas pelanggan, (d) terdapat pengaruh loyalitas pelanggan terhadap hubungan antara pelayanan prima dengan ekuitas pelanggan. Hasil penelitian juga menyarankan agar LBC Surabaya lebih cepat dalam memberikan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan, mengadakan program komunitas bagi pelanggan secara berkala, serta lebih intensif dalam memberikan informasi kepada pelanggan.
The aim of the research was to see how the customers response of service excellence program that has been run by LBC from January to October 2011, how the customer equity, how the customer loyalty, how service excellence influence the customer equity, and whether customer loyalty has an impact on the relationship between service excellence with customer equity. The research used a quantitative approach with the design of research survey. Sampling technique used in this research was systematic random sampling.The results showed that: (1) customers response of service excellence that has been run by LBC since 2011 was good enough, (2) customers had fairly high loyalty and high equity against LBC Surabaya, (3) there was a fairly strong influence of service excellence to customer equity, (4) there was an influence of customer loyalty to the relationship between service excellence and customer equity. The research suggests that LBC should provide a faster service to customers, hold a community program for customers in a periodical manner, and give information more intensively to customers.