Pandai besi merupakan salah satu kegiatan industri sekunder di pedesaan selain pertanian. Pandai besi tersebar di desa-desa di Indonesia,dan salah satunya di Kecamatan Cisaat. Pandai besi yang terdapat di Cisaat mengalami penyusutan sejak periode tahun 1980. Penelitian ini mengkaji pola keruangan lokasi pandai besi di Kecamatan Cisaat berdasarkan variabel lokasi pandai besi, produksi, dan pasca produksi dari setiap pandai besi dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara umum sebaran lokasi pandai besi di Kecamatan Cisaat menunjukkan pola mengelompok dilihat dari jarak masing-masing titik yang berdekatan. Di dalam pola yang mengelompok ini terdapat perbedaan yang dilihat dari faktor produksi dan pasca produksi pandai besi. Berdasarkan faktor tersebut, maka pola keruangan pandai besi di kecamatan Cisaat secara detil terlihat variatif. Pandai besi yang memiliki komoditi, modal, tenaga kerja, jenis produk, jumlah produksi paling variatif dan usia usaha yang paling tua terdapat di wilayah yang dekat dengan pusat pertokoan industri logam.
Blacksmith is one of the secondary industrial activities in rural areas besides agriculture. Blacksmiths scattered in villages in Indonesia, and one of them is exist in Cisaat District. Blacksmith contained in Cisaat shrinkage since the period of 1980. This study examines the pattern of spatial location of a blacksmith in the District based on the blacksmith's location variable, production, and post-production of any blacksmith using descriptive methods. The results showed that the overall distribution of blacksmith's locations in the Cisaat District is form into clustered patterns, seen from the distance that are close between each points. In the clustered pattern seen there are differences of factors of production and post production blacksmith. Based on these factors, in detail, the spatial pattern of blacksmiths in the Cisaat District look varied. Blacksmiths who have a commodity, capital, labor, product variation, the amount of production of the most varied and the longest workshop period are found in areas that close to the metal industry market center.