Skripsi ini menguji pengaruh pengalaman pengguna (user experience) pada situs resmi Sour Sally terhadap citra merek Sour Sally dengan menggunakan studi eksperimen dan melakukan perbandingan antara dua kelompok perilaku pengguna yang berbeda, yaitu goal-directed dan experiential. Penelitian mengukur persepsi khalayak akan citra merek sebelum dan setelah mereka mengalami pengalaman dengan situs. Citra merek diukur melalui dimensi kekuatan, keuntungan, dan keunikan asosiasi merek, sedangkan user experience diukur melalui dimensi, usability, konten, kepuasan, perceived usability, estetika klasik, dan estetika ekspresif. Sebagai hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa user experience pada situs memiliki hubungan dan pengaruh positif terhadap persepsi citra merek Sour Sally, di mana kelompok experiential memiliki rata-rata penilaian yang lebih tinggi dan mempengaruhi citra merek secara lebih positif dibandingkan pada kelompok goal-directed.
This thesis examined the effects of web user experience of, Sour Sally?s official web site, towards its perceived brand image, with experimental methods and comparison between two different user behavior, which are goal-directed dan experiential. This study also measures the perceived brand image before and after the respondents has any experience with the web site. Dimensions used for measuring brand image are strength, favorability, and uniqueness of brand association, while user experience was measured through six dimensions consists of usability, content, pleasure, perceived usability, classic aesthetics, and expressive aesthetics. As a result, it was found that the web site user experience of contributes a significant correlations and effects towards perceived brand image of Sour Sally, where the experiential group has significantly more positive result than the goal-directed group.