Pada masa kini, banyak jumlah murid internasional yang beipergian ke luar negri dan mengalami proses akulturasi. Pada saat prosesnya, terjadi perubahan-perubahan perilaku serta kebudayaan yang terjadi pada individu tersebut. Individu masing-masing dapat beradaptasi dengan budaya baru dengan memiliki strategi akulturasi tertentu. Identitas budaya yang kuat dan positive serta tingkat percaya diri dan of mastery yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan penguasaan stragei yang positive dan integrasi. Penelitian ini mencoba melihat dampak adaptasi psikologis pada strategi-strategi akulturasi pada mahasiswa-mahasiswi Indonesia yang pernah atau sedang belajar di Australia. Fenomena akulturasi khususnya dikaitkan dengan budaya, prosess akulturasi serta dewasa muda. Alat ukur meliputi Sitinn-LewAsicm Self-Iclentity Scale, Berry 's Acciilluration Strategies Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale dan Pearlin c£ Schoolcr 's Sense of Mastery Scale. Data karakteristik responden seperti umur, jenis kelamin serta berapa lama mereka tinggal juga diolah. Responden terdiri dari 131 mahasiswa-mahasiswi Indonesia. Dari hasil yang didapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa adaptaasi psikologis tidak ada dampak yang signifikan terhadap strategi akulturasi berciri Inlegration, Marginaliiation dan Separation. Akan tetapi, identitas budaya lah yang menjadi prediktor yang kuat pada strategi Assimihition.
Nowadays, tliere are numerous amounts of intemational students who experience acculturation when going abroad. During this process, cultural and behavioural cbanges occur within the individual. In order for an individual to adapt to the nevv culture, they need to adopt a certain acculturation strategy. A strong and positive sense of cultural identity, high levels of self-esteem and sense of mastery increases the chance of a positive and imegrated strategy. This current research explored the cffect of psychological adaptation on acculturation strategies among Indonesian sojoumers who have studied or were currently studying in Australia. The phenomenon of acculturation was considered with special reference of culture, acculturation and early adulthood. Measures include Suinn-Lew Asian Self-ldentity Scale, Berry's Acculturation Strategies Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and Pearlin & Schooler's Sense of Mastery Scale. Demographic variables such as age, gender and length of stay were included. The sample consisted of 131 Indonesian University Students. Results of the research revealed there was no significant influence of psychological adaptation on Integration, Marginalization and Separation strategy. However, cultural identity alone was found to be a significant predictor for Assimilation Strategy.