Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan Notaris dan PPAT dalam praktik jual beli tanah hak milik dan bagaimana penyelesaian masalah-masalah yang muncul dalam pelaksanaan jual beli tanah hak milik yang aktanya dibuat di hadapan Notaris yang merangkap jabatan sebagai PPAT di luar wilayah jabatan Notaris. Khususnya mengenai kewenangan seorang Notaris dan PPAT dalam membuat aktanya sesuai dengan wilayah jabatannya, dan akibat hukum terhadap Notaris dan PPAT terhadap pribadi dan akta yang dibuatnya. Dalam penulisan tesis ini metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif melalui pengumpulan data sekunder berupa bahan-bahan kepustakaan dan juga melakukan wawancara secara tertulis untuk mengetahui kejelasan mengenai akibat hukum terhadap pelanggaran wilayah jabatan oleh Notaris dan PPAT selaku pejabat umum.
Method research that were using in this thesis is a literature method which has a normative jurisdiction through secondary data collection that contains of literature materials and conducting in written interview in order to learn the clarification of causal law of office breaking area by notary and PPAT as general public, The purpose of this research is to learn on how notary and PPAT?s role in making a transaction Deed, the deed drawn up before the notary whom also act as land deed maker outside the notary office. Particularly of Notary and PPAT authorization in which the deed issue must in accordance with their position area and what consequence of office breaking area by law for Notary and PPAT for the notary themselves and Deeds are made shall be reviewed by Constitution number 30 year of 2004 and Notary Ethical Code. During his service a Notary has not only posses a law skills but he must responsible and nobility and ethic manner, therefore it is important for Notary to comprehend and understood of which action shall be determined as breaking the Law or Ethical Code and of what sanction would be imposed to whom committed the violation of law.