Imunisasi atau infeksi ringan dapat menyebabkan bayi mengalami demam. Penanganan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan anti piretik dan PMK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh PMK terhadap suhu tubuh bayi yang mengalami demam di RS Telogorejo dan RB Mardi Rahayu Semarang. Desain penelitian yang digunakan quasi experimental pre-post test non equivalen control group. Sampel penelitian terdiri atas 15 bayi kelompok kontrol (tanpa PMK) dan 15 bayi kelompok intervensi (PMK). Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara suhu tubuh sebelum dan sesudah prosedur PMK dengan P value 0,000. Implikasi perawatan yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah pemberian antipiretik disertai PMK dengan monitor suhu secara ketat.
Immunization or mild infection can cause fever on baby. Several treatmens to reduce fever are providing antyipiretic and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). The purpose of this research was to identing the temperature's effect KMC of babies who get fever in Telogorejo Hospital and RB Mardi Rahayu, Semarang. This research uses quasi experimental pre-post test non equivalent control group as its design. Research's samples consist of 15 babies in control group (with no KMC) and 15 babies in intervention group (with KMC. There was a significant difference between the temperature before and after the procedure of KMC with P value 0,000. The nursing implication that can be recommended is giving antipyretic with KMC. It could be an intervention to reduce the level of fever for babies.