Dalam tesis ini dilaporkan hasil studi sintesis paduan MnBi melalui rute mechanical alloying (MA) dan karakterisasinya untuk mengetahui kehandalan proses mechanical alloying (MA) sebagai salah satu metode alternatif untuk menghasilkan paduan MnBi. Pada tahap pertama studi, dua buah sampel dengan komposisi utama masing-masing Bi80Mn20 (at.%) dan BiMn (at.%) dipilih sebagai material yang menjalani proses pembentukan fasa melalui rute mechanical alloying. Tiga jenis alat pembentukan paduan masing-masing menggunakan metode Planetary Ball Mill (PBM) beroperasi pada temperatur kamar, Planetary Ball Mill beroperasi pada temperatur rendah, dan High Energy Milling (HEM). Dari tahapan pertama studi ini ditunjukkan bahwa HEM sebagai metode yang paling efektif dibandingkan dua metode lainnya. Pada tahap kedua, material dengan komposisi BiMn (at.%) menjalani proses pemaduan dengan menggunakan HEM dan dilanjutkan dengan pemberian perlakuan panas untuk menghasilkan fasa stabilnya (MnBi). Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa fasa dominan adalah Bi24Mn2O40 sementara fasa MnBi masih sebagai fasa minor. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa fasa MnBi belum dapat terbentuk secara menyeluruh dan diperlukan kondisi yang bebas oksigen selama proses perlakuan panas.
In this thesis, results on synthesis studies of MnBi alloys prepared through mechanical alloying routes and their characterization are reported. The study was conducted in order to find out the reliability of mechanical alloying process as an alternative method for producing MnBi alloys. In the first stage of study, two main samples with compositions respectively Bi80Mn20 (at.%) and BiMn (at.%) were selected as materials to be processed for phases formation by a mechanical alloying processing. Three types of mechanical alloying tools respectively, room temperature operated Planetary Ball Mill (PBM), low temperatures operated Planetary Ball Mill, and High Energy Milling (HEM) were employed for preparation of the alloys. From the first stage of study, it is shown that HEM is the most effective method compared with that of the others. In the second stage of study, material with a composition of BiMn (at.%) was synthesized through the application of HEM and successively followed by heat treatments to yield its stable phase (MnBi). However, identification studies to the alloy indicated that Bi24Mn2O40 being the major phase and MnBi existed as the minor phase. It can be concluded that MnBi phase as the major phase for the system was not achieved and an inert condition during successive heat treatment is required.