Tesis ini merupakan penelitian mengenai konstruksi identitas keturunan China diaspora di Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menunjukkan proses kontestasi, resistensi, negosiasi dan kompromi dalam konstruksi identitas seorang keturunan China diaspora bernama Tjong Djit Chung dalam profesinya sebagai seorang perantara roh ritual lokthung. Analisanya didasarkan pada pemikiran Stuart Hall dalam tulisannya "Cultural Identity and Diaspora" yang memaparkan proses perubahan identity as being menjadi identity as becoming masyarakat diaspora. Melalui penelitian etnografis didapati bahwa konstruksi identitas Tjong Djit Chung yang terepresentasi dalam ritual lokthung tersebut bersifat hibrid, tidak tunggal dan cair. Hal tersebut merupakan strategi memposisikan dirinya dalam konstruksi identity as becoming keindonesiaannya tanpa harus kehilangan identity as being-nya.
This thesis is a research on identity construction of someone who is a Chinese diaspora descendant in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The research is intended to show the processes of contestation, resistance, negotiation and compromise in the identity construction of Tjong Djit Chung as a who is a lokthung ritual?s spirit medium. The analysis is based on the thinking of Stuart Hall in his paper ?Cultural Identity and Diaspora? which describes the change process of identity as being to be identity as becoming of diaspora community. Through ethnographic research, it was identified that the identity of tongsin Tjong Djit Chung represented in that ritual is hybrid, non singular and fluid. This form of identity is a strategy to position himself in the construction of his identity as becoming of ?being Indonesian? without having to lose his identity as being.