Untuk menciptakan industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang kompetitif, berkualitas dan bisa menarik investor serta bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan Penyelenggaraan jasa SLJJ dari monopoli menjadi duopoli dengan adanya terminasi dini hak eksklusivitas penyelenggaraan jasa SLJJ yang selama ini hanya diberikan kepada PT.Telkom, menjadi ada dua pemain yaitu PT. Indosat. Walaupun penyelenggaraan SLJJ sudah duopoli namun implementasi pemakaian kode akses jasa SLJJ baru dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 April 2008 di Balikpapan. Berdasarkan evaluasi implementasi pembukaan kode akses SLJJ di Balikpapan produksi pemakaian akses jasa SLJJ dengan menggunakan kode akses kurang menggembirakan karena produktivitasnya masih sangat rendah yang disebabkan oleh beberapa penyebab, misalnya : Telkom sudah mnurunkan tarif SLJJ, adanya pemberlakuan service charge yang relatif tinggi (Rp. 945 per menit), Indosat belum melakukan corporate action, ada jasa sejenis yang ditawarkan oleh penyelenggara seluler dengan harga SLJJ antar pelanggan seluler jauh lebih rendah.
Jasa SLJJ bagi penyelenggara incumbent yaitu PT. Telkom sangat penting karena masih memberikan kontribusi pendapatan yang sangat signifikan namun memiliki pertumbuhan negatif dan hal ini perlu segera ditindaklanjuti dengan serius. Hal tersebut belum lagi memperhitungkan bila kode akses SLJJ tersebut akan dibuka di seluruh kota di Indonesia dan munculnya pesaing baru yang pada akhir tahun 2008 ini akan ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Penyelenggara incumbent harus segera merevitalisasi pengelolaan bisnis SLJJ bila tidak ingin performansi pendapatannya akan terus menurun dengan melakukan strategi-strategi yang tepat. Pesaing-pesaing yang dihadapi sebenarnya tidak terbatas pada penyelenggara SLJJ dari Jaringan Tetap saja namun Penyelenggara Seluler juga menjadi ancaman. Penyelenggara incumbent segera bertindak dengan memanfaatkan keunggulannya, SDM, infrastruktur, finansial maupun sistem yang lebih mapan untuk menghadapi pesaing.
In order to establish competitive and eligible telecommunication industry in Indonesia also more attractive to investor and benefit to the community, government (regulator) has been acknowledged a changing in policy for long distance call service from monopoly to duopoly. This is signed by early termination on exclusive right to PT. TELKOM as first granted operator in the business and permitted PT. INDOSAT as a new player. Duopoly era come to operational when PT. INDOSAT opens the service on April 3rd 2008 in Balikpapan. Derived from our evaluation on implementation of opening long distance service in Balikpapan by PT. INDOSAT, shows that usage of the service by using access code is not quite content because its productivity (traffic) is very low. This could be caused by some conditions such as cutting price strategy by PT. TELKOM, relatively high service charge (Rp 945 per minute), lack of corporate action from PT. INDOSAT and also there is kindly same service from mobile operator that offer long distance call services at much more cheaper price. Long distance call service is a major business for the incumbent (PT. TELKOM). The service is still contributing significant revenue even at present it has a negative growth and hence seriously need much improvement. This declining could be becoming worst by taking into account that as in the near future the access code of PT. INDOSAT will be opened national wide. Also there is a potential new competitor in the business by the end of year 2008. PT. TELKOM as an incumbent in telecommunication industry in Indonesia has to react immediately and need to revitalize its long distance call service business to prevent continues declining in revenue by doing proper and right strategic actions. Keep in mind that the competitor is not only narrowed to fixed long distance operator but also cellular operator also should be considered as a threat as well. Incumbent should act by optimizing its capabilities such as human resources, infrastructure, financial and settled system to deal with competitors.