expatriate training in Japan demonstrate interesting differences between Japanese companies and multinational companies. in this paper, the influence of cultural values with a focus on individualism and collectivism is used to explain the cuase underlying these differences. the following aspects of expatriate training are covered in this paper. 1) attitudes of HR and participants toward intercultural training. 2) individual vs. group programs. 3) spouse included or not. 4) youth programs offered. 5) profile of typical participants. 6) overall training program goals. 7) participant goals and objectives for the training. 8) pre-program assessment. 9) pre-program contact with participants. 10) program materials and delivery styles. 11) participation style of the participants during the training. 12) post-program feedback and evaluation by participants. in order to design, market, and deliver corporate expatriate training in Japan, we need to understand and manage the individualism--collectivism value differences between Japanese companies and multinational companies.