Salah satu kekurangan UUJN yaitu adanya konflik Pasal 8 ayat (1) huruf e juncto Pasal 3 huruf g dengan Pasal 11 ayat (1), prosedur manakah yang seharusnya diambil oleh Notaris yang merangkap sebagai Pejabat Negara, serta Pasal 17 huruf d dengan Pasal 1 1, menyebabkan perangkapan jabatan dan benturan kepentingan. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian Empiris, bahan Kepustakaan sebagai Data Sekunder dan wawancara langsung sebagai Data Primer. Dari hasil penelitian terdapat pro kontra terhadap ketentuan cuti dengan Notaris Pengganti. Alternatif sementara yaitu Notaris tersebut dapat diberhentikan sementara atau cuti tanpa Notaris Pengganti, sehingga tidak ditemukan permasalahan rangkap jabatan pada kepala akta Notaris dan protokol Notaris yang diganti.
One of the deficiencies in the UUJN is about the impact or conflict between the Article 8 , paragraph (1) letter e juncto Article 3 letter g with Article 11 paragraph (1) that raises a question, which procedures should be taken by a Notary who was appointed as State Officials, and the Article 17 letter d with Article 11, which cause the existence of geminating of position that cause conflict of interest. This thesis uses empirical research methods, materials bibliography as Secondary Data and direct interviews as Primary Data. From the results of the research there is a procontra leave with the provisions of the Notary Replacement. Alternative to intercede that is does not refer Substitution Notary, that means Notary can be dismissed for a while or leave without Substitution Notary so that does not duplicate the problems found positions as seen in the making of the head of teaching license and Notary protocols that replaced it.