Tesis ini membahas peran Museum Sandi kepada masyarakat melalui fungsi dan peran museum berupa menumbuhkan pemahaman fungsi dan peran persandian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian ini mengindentifikasikan bahwa Museum Sandi telah berusaha menyediakan peran itu melalui fungsinya. Namun bagi Museum Sandi tetap perlu melakukan pengembangan dan peningkatan mutu dalam segala aspek. Di era New Museum dan New Museology memberi kesempatan kepada tiap museum, termasuk Museum Sandi untuk secara maksimal mengaktualisasikan semua potensi museum dalam fungsi dan perannya untuk melayani perkembangan masyarakat.
This thesis is discussing the role of Cryptography Museum in the society through its function and role of cryptography that is growing the understanding on cryptography function. The characteristic of this research is analytic descriptive and uses methods of observation, literature study, and interview. The research result identifies that Cryptography Museum has been trying to fulfill the role through its function. However, the Cryptography Museum is still needing the quality development and enhancement on every aspect. The New Museum and New Museology era gives opportunity to every museum, Cryptogram Museum included, to optimally actualize every museumÂ?s potential in its function and role to serve societyÂ?s development.