Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan posisi Seliqui (sepeda lipat hasil penelitian Departemen Teknik Mesin UI) dengan sepeda lipat lokal merek lain, dan mengetahui preferensi konsumen akan produk sepeda lipat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor, analisis regresi ganda, multidimentional scaling (MDS) / perceptual mapping, serta integrasi analisis conjoint dan analisis klaster dengan House of Quality (HoQ).
Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Seliqui masih kurang performanya pada faktor tertentu, dan kombinasi produk yang paling diinginkan konsumen ialah sepeda lipat dengan ukuran lipat (35 x 60 x 65) cm, kecepatan lipat < 20 detik, material frame terbuat dari alloy, berat sepeda 10-12 kg, max rider weight 80 kg, model frame yang berbentuk curve, chainring 48T, speed-nya sudah multi speed.
The purpose of this research are to conduct positioning mapping of Seliqui (folding bicycle produced by Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Indonesia) with other local brand folding bicycle and to figure out the consumer preference in folding bicycle. Methods that are going to be used are factor analysis, multiple regressions, multidimentional scaling (MDS) / perceptual mapping, and integration of conjoint and cluster analysis into the House of Quality (HoQ). Some of the results show that the performance of Seliqui is still lacking on some factors, and the product combination that most preferred by the customer is: Folding bicycle with foldable size (35 x 60 x 65) cm, folding size < 20 detik, alloy frame material, weight 10-12 kg, max rider weight 80 kg, curve model frame, chainring 48T, and multi speed.