Telah dilakukan uji kelayakan peningkatan kadar menggunakan mini destilator portable. Penelitian ini berhasil mengetahui korelasi laju evaporasi terhadap variasi konsentrasi dan volume masukan dengan proses yang berlangsung berupa destilasi. Hasil diperoleh berupa volume campuran ethanol-air dalam kolom destilasi memiliki korelasi negative terhadap total volume output, konsentrasi ethanol awal terhadap total ouput memiliki korelasi positif, laju evaporasi bervariasi bergantung pada volume dan konsentrasi awal ethanol pada penelitian ini berkisar antara 1,38 x 10-3 ml/s hingga 8,05 x 10-3 ml/s, peningkatan konsentrasi Initial to Result Ratio terhadap konsentrasi awal memiliki korelasi negative namun menyiratkan kemungkinan keberadaan konsentrasi optimum di sebelah kiri 40% untuk dapat digunakan sebagai konsentrasi optimal low grade ethanol sebagai bahan bakar, loss dari portable mini destilator dibandingkan output sangat besar yakni berkisar antara 5,5% hingga 13,5% dari volume awal.
Feasibility test has been performed using elevated levels of portable mini-distillation. This research work to study the correlation rate of evaporation of various concentration and volume inputs to the process that took place in the distillation process. The Results is the volume of ethanol-water mixture in a distillation column has a negative correlation to the total volume of output, the initial ethanol concentration of total output has a positive correlation, the rate of evaporation varies depending on the volume and initial concentration of ethanol in this study ranged from 1.38 x 10 - 3 ml / s to 8.05 x 10-3 ml / s, increasing to Result Initial concentration ratio of initial concentration has a negative correlation but suggests the possibility of the existence of an optimum concentration in the left 40% to be used as the optimal concentration of ethanol as low grade materials burns, loss of a portable mini-distillation is very large compared to the output ranged from 5.5% to 13.5% of the initial volume.