The thesis discusses the topic of Paramilitary Policing that occurs at the Sabhara Function of the Metro Police Resort, South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort. The study refers to the former study on Paramilitary Policing in the implementation of tasks at the Police Functional Units (The study at the Metro Police Resort, South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort) where paramilitary policing is still dominant and inherent at the National Police, in particular related to the sabhara function. This study applies primary data through in-depth interviews and observation. It clarifies and illustrates why the element of paramilitary policing at the Metro Police Resort of South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort is similar whereas these two regions differ in characteristics and culture. The conclusion drawn from the study is that the similarity in military policing is caused by the legal foundations of the Indonesian National Police (Legislation, Government Regulations, Head of INP Regulations, Implementation and Technical Guidelines), besides the similarity in attitude and actions by Police officers, particularly in handling demonstrations as well as their repressive actions/arresting of offenders, show of force, and the utilization of tactical vehicles.;The thesis discusses the topic of Paramilitary Policing that occurs at the Sabhara Function of the Metro Police Resort, South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort. The study refers to the former study on Paramilitary Policing in the implementation of tasks at the Police Functional Units (The study at the Metro Police Resort, South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort) where paramilitary policing is still dominant and inherent at the National Police, in particular related to the sabhara function. This study applies primary data through in-depth interviews and observation. It clarifies and illustrates why the element of paramilitary policing at the Metro Police Resort of South Jakarta and Bogor City Police Resort is similar whereas these two regions differ in characteristics and culture. The conclusion drawn from the study is that the similarity in military policing is caused by the legal foundations of the Indonesian National Police (Legislation, Government Regulations, Head of INP Regulations, Implementation and Technical Guidelines), besides the similarity in attitude and actions by Police officers, particularly in handling demonstrations as well as their repressive actions/arresting of offenders, show of force, and the utilization of tactical vehicles.