Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat krim yang stabil yang mengandung ekstrak cair teripang dan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak cair teripang terhadap stabilitas fisik krim. Krim A, B dan C dibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak cair teripang berturut-turut 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Evaluasi krim meliputi evaluasi organoleptis, pengukuran pH, konsistensi, diameter globul rata-rata, viskositas dan sifat alir krim. Uji stabilitas fisik dilakukan dengan menyimpan sampel-sampel pada suhu kamar (29+1ºC), suhu dingin (4+1ºC) dan suhu panas (40+1ºC) selama 8 minggu, uji sentrifugasi dilakukan padakecepatan 3800 rpm selama 5 jam, cycling test dilakukan pada suhu dingin (4+1ºC) dan suhu panas (40+1ºC) sebanyak 6 siklus. Organoleptis ketiga krim adalah berwarna putih, berbau khas dan homogen. pH dan konsistensi ketiga krim relatif stabil selama penyimpanan 8 minggu. Viskositas krim A, B dan C diukur dengan viscometer Brookefield menggunakan spindel no.5 dengan kecepatan 2 rpm pada minggu ke-0 dan minggu ke-8 menurun, dari 86000 cps, 52000 cps dan 36000 cps menjadi 84000 cps, 48000 cps dan 29000 cps dan sifat alir yaitu tiksotropik pseudopastis. Ukuran diameter globul rata-rata krim A, B and C berturut-turut 0,266 μm, 0,274 μm dan 3,46 μm diminggu ke-0 pada suhu kamar.
This research was done to make stable cream containing seacucumber liquid extract and to study the effect of sea-cucumber liquid extract concentration to stability of cream. The cream A, B And C made with concentration of sea-cucumber extract respectively 20%, 40%, and 60%. The evaluation of creams including organoleptic evaluation, pH, consistency, mean globule diameter, viscosity and rheology measurements. The physical stability test was done by stores samples at room temperature (29+1ºC), cool temperature (4+1ºC) and the hot temperature (40+1ºC) for 8 weeks, centrifugal test was done at speed of 3800 rpm during 5 hours and cycling was done at cool temperature (4+1ºC) and hot temperature (40+1ºC) as much 6 cycles.The organoleptic of these creams are white colours, specific smell and homogeneous.The pH and consistency of all creams relatively stable during stored 8 week. The viscosity of cream A , B and C measured with Brookefield viscometer using spindle no.5 and speed of 2 rpm at week-0 and week-8th, decreasing from 86000 cps, 52000 cps and 36000 cps to 84000 cps, 48000 cps and 29000 cps and rheogram is thixotrophy pseudoplastic. The mean globule diameter of cream A, B and C respectively 0,266 μm, 0,274 μm and 3,46 μm at week-0 in temperature room.