Daerah panasbumi Gunung Talang terletak di Kabupaten Solok, Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Keberadaan sistem panasbumi ditandai oleh adanya kemunculan manifestasi permukaan berupa mata air panas, fumarol dan batuan yang teralterasi yang penyebarannya mengikuti pola patahan utama berarah baratlaut-tenggara. Untuk memperjelas pendugaan tersebut telah dilakukan survei geofisika dengan menggunakan metode DC-Schlumberger dan Head-On didukung dengan data geologi dan geokimia. Hasil interpretasi terpadu data-data tersebut mengindikasikan keberadaan reservoir geotermal pada kedalaman 600 - 1000 meter dengan kemiringan sesar yang mengontrol pemunculan aliran fluida 500. Keberadaan reservoir diduga berupa batuan vulkanik Batino dengan permeabilitas baik, yang diisi oleh fluida panas yang didominasi air panas bertipe bikarbonat. Posisi zona up-flow diduga berada di selatan daerah penelitian dekat mata airpanas Batu Bajanjang, sedangkan outflow diduga mengarah ke baratlaut di luar daerah penelitian. Tidak ada data temperatur reservoir yang diukur secara langsung, tetapi dari perhitungan geotermometri SiO2 diperoleh temperatur minimum sekitar 160ÂșC. Luas daerah prospek kurang lebih 10 Km2, dengan perkiraan potensi panasbumi sekitar 40 Mwe. Daerah ini cukup prospek untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan melakukan pemboran landai di dekat mata air panas Batu Bajanjang (B-3000) dengan kedalaman kurang lebih 300 meter. Potensi energi di daerah ini dapat dimanfaatkan secara langsung seperti pengeringan daun teh dan cabe serta sterilisasi lahan pertanian dalam rumah kaca (tomat, bawang merah, kentang, kol dll).
The heat area of Talang mountain earth is located on Solok, province of West Sumatera . The existence of heat system earth marked by the existence of surface manifestation in the form of hot wellspring, fumaroles, and rock which are alterate and its spreading follow northwest especial breaking pattern of south-east. To clarify the anticipation have been done by geophysics survey by using method of DC-Shlumberger and of Head On supported with geology data and of geochemistry. The result of inwrought interpretation of the data is indication existence of geothermal reservoir at the deepness 600 - 1000 meters with big inclination which control appearance of fluid flow 50 degrees. The existence of reservoir is anticipated by rock of Batino vulcanize with permeability both for in content of heat fluid which in hot water domination have bicarbonate type. The zone position of up flow in anticipating to reside in area south of researching at elbow hot wellspring of batubajanjang, while flow out is anticipated by flange to northwest outside research area. There is no data of temperature reservoir which in measure directly, but the calculation of SiO2 geotermometry obtained by minimum temperature 160 degrees Celsius. The wide of prospect area is more or less about 10 km2, with estimate of hot potency of earth about 40 Mwe. This Area enough prospect to be developed later by doing sloping of drilling at elbow hot wellspring of Batu Bajanjang (B- 30000) with deepness 300 meters. The potency of energy in this area can be exploited directly like draining of leaf of the and chili and also agriculture farm sterilization in glasshouse (tomato, onion, potato, and others).