Skripsi ini membahas pendapat pemustaka terhasap layanan sirkulasi perpustakaan yang menggunakan teknologi radio frequency identification (RFID) di salah satu Perustakaan The Brityish International School Jakarta, yaitu The Dickens Library. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian maenyarankan bahwa The Dickens Library hendaknya dapat mempertahankan keunggulan layanan sirkulasi perpustkaannya dengan mengoptimalkan, merawat dan menjaga teknologi RFID. The Dickens Library perlu menindaklanjuti temuan penelitian berupa masalah pada sistem pendeteksi RFID. Penelitian lenjutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi sistem RFID.
The focus of this study is the opinion of library users about the new library circulation system in The British International School Jakarta. The library known as The Dikens Library uses radio frequency identification (RFID) for library circulation system to replace barcode system as an automatic data capture device. This research is quantitative descriptive interpretative. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The researcher suggests the The Dikesns Library should optimalize the use of RFID technology abd maintain the hardware supporting RFID system. The Dikens Library needs to follow up on the findings of the research.