Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan faktor komunikasi, faktor sumber daya, faktor diposisi/sikap dan faktor struktur birokrasi terhadap implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan aset daerah di Kota Tangerang. Model analisis yang digunakan diadopsi dari Teori Edward III namun tidak secara utuh. Independent variabel adalah komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi/sikap dan struktur birokrasi, sedangkan dependent variabel adalah implementasi kebijakan.
Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dan menggunakan pendekatan positivisme Teknik pengumpulan data melalui survai, wawancara dan kajian dokumentasi. Hubungan variabel Sumber Daya dengan Implementasi Kebijakan memiliki tingkat keeratan yang kuat.
This research is to analyse the connections of communication, resources, disposition/attitude, and bureaucracy structure, influence the implementation of public asset management in Tangerang City. Model of Analyses for this research was adopted from Edward III Theory, but not completely.
The research is descriptive with positivism approach, and quantitative analysis. The dependent variables are communication, resources, disposition/attitude, and bureaucracy structure. The independent variable is the implementation of public policy. The data for this research were collected by survey, interview and documentation study. The result showed that there is a strong connection between resources and the implementation of asset management policy.