Komersialisasi dan konsumsi berbagai produk olahraga semakin meningkat dengan berkembangnya jaman, termasuk di Indonesia. Aksi atlet/tim di lapangan banyak dinantikan, karena kemanfaatannya bagi konsumen, seperti untuk hiburan, sarana afiliasi, dan untuk pergaulan. Kesetiaan konsumen terhadap produk atlet profesional berupa aksi di lapangan pun sangat penting untuk keberlangsungannya. Penelitian ini membuktikan hipotesis bahwa brand loyalty pada atlet profesional sangat dipengaruhi oleh asosiasi yang tercipta atas brand tersebut. Guna mendorong kesetiaan konsumen yang sukarela mengalokasikan waktu dan uangnya terhadap sebuah brand atlet, brand associations harus ditingkatkan setinggi-tingginya.
The commercialization and consumption of various sport products are increasing as the era has moving in nature, including in Indonesia. Actions of athletes or teams in the arena were being awaited by many of spectators, because of its benefit for them. For examples are entertainment, affiliation, and social reason. Consumer loyalty to professional athlete?s product in form of action in the arena is important for their sustainability. This research has proved the hypotheses that brand loyalty to a professional athlete were significantly influenced by its brand associations. So is to the case, it is important to gain consumer loyalty which is willingly allocated their time and money to an athlete brand, by developing as much positive brand associations of the athlete.