Penelitian ini berfokus pada perancangan executive dashboard di Perkapalan dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja ecological interface design (EID) yang mengedepankan konsep visualisasi informasi yang berasal dari constraint di lingkungan kerja Perkapalan.
Kerangka kerja ecological interface design (EID) menggunakan basis pemodelan abstraction hierarchy (AH) sebagai perangkat dalam proses identifikasi seluruh constraint di lingkungan kerja Perkapalan. Melalui abstraction hierarchy, maka dilakukan proses dekomposisi lingkungan kerja Perkapalan ke dalam 5 tingkat abstraksi, yaitu functional purpose, abstract function, generalized function, physical function, dan physical form. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan diskusi dalam proses pemodelan abstraction hierarchy, kuisoner dalam pengujian executive dashboard, serta pengumpulan data realisasi pergerakan yang digunakan untuk memodelkan kinerja operasional Perkapalan.
Dari analisis yang dilakukan, disimpulkan adanya trade off antara upaya untuk menampilkan informasi constraint dan inter-relasi constraint dalam sistem serta implementasi konsep peringatan terhadap potensi kendala yang dapat mengganggu sistem, terhadap kompleksitas visualisasi informasi yang ditampilkan dalam dashboard.
This research is focused on executive dashboard Design in Pertamina Shipping using Ecological Interface Design (EID) Framework which highlight the concept of visualizing information related with constraints of Shipping work domain.
Ecological Interface Design (EID) Framework uses a modelling basis known as abstraction hierarchy (AH) framework as a tools to identify all constraints in Shipping work domain. By using abstraction hierarchy, Shipping work domain will be extracted through decomposition process into 5 levels of abstraction, known as functional purpose, abstract function, generalized function, physical
function, dan physical form. Data collection is conducted by interview and discussion as an input for abstraction hierarchy modelling; questionnaire to test the executive dashboard design; and data collection to model Shipping operational performance by collecting all necessary data from realization of vessel movements and activities.
From the analysis, it can be summarized that there is a trade off between the effort to display constraints and their inter-relation in the system along with the implementation of the awareness concept to alarm all potential problems that candistract the system, compared to the complexity of visualizing the information into the dashboard.