In the context of improving the quality of echelon IV, Research and Development Agency and Education and Training on the Ministry of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia through Education and Training Center for Religious Matters as a Technical Implementing Unit (UPT) at regional level organizes among other a Training and Education program for echelon IV Officials (Diklatpim IV). This evaluation study is a strategic measure taken to improve the effectiveness of the future Diklatpim IV program. It is aimed to identify the performance of alumni of Diklatpim IV and the determining factors in the performance of alumni of Diklatpim IV. The finding indicate among other that the level pf performance alumni of Diklatpim IV based on work discipline, leadership, cooperation and initiative had been good, although they have not reached very satisfactory or ideal level. The factors obstructing the achievement of level of performance of the alumni of Diklatpim IV include among other the lack of proper space arrangement and the absence of follow-up program to Diklatpim IV through monitoring activities, and the fact that the communication forum among alumni of Education and Training which is able to provide assistance in addressing technical issues at work place has not been established.