This paper is the result of the rain attenuation research, especially the results of ARIMA modeling of tropical rain attenuation in thr design of 28 GHZ millimeter wave communication system. Data acquasition is done on the link distance of 56.4 meters on Electrical campus ITS Surabaya. Data acquisition was recorded using the device every 1 second. The data obtained are processed using an ARIMA (p,d,q) model. The process aims to obtain a time series model. Validation process in done by comparing the ARIMA model result with measurements and attenuation model of ITU - R P.838-3. From 6 events that obtained in February 2009 concluded that all events can be approached by ARIMA (0,1,1) model. ARIMA (0,1,1) model can be used to generate rain attenuation data.