International diabetic federations (IDF) estimate in 2025 there will be about 333 million diabetisi in the world, and estimated number of diabetisi in Indonesia will reach 5,6 million , occupaying in level six in the world after IIndia, chinesse, Russia, Brazil and Japan. This research aim was to know relation between eating habits and physical exercise of diabetisi wiith occurance DM Complicationin RSUD Tasikmalaya. Research methods weared is survey with crossectional approach. sampel is 47 diabetisi was taken by purposive as according to criterion specified from population (89) . Data will analysed by Rank Spearman test. Result of this indicate that counted 28% diabetisi execute planning eat which is included in good category , only some of small (13%) physical execise of diabetisi which is the including good category. There is 40% of diabetisi having blood sugar rate including ugly category, and only some of small (9%) including good category, most of diabetisi have experienced of hipoglikemik (19 people), and cronic complication status a lot of diabetisi is neuropati. There was correlation between planning eating habit (p value: 0,000; p:0,532) physical exercisep (p value: 0,000; p: -0,583) with rate of sugar blood with complications status (p value : 0,000; p: 0,609). Conclusion from this research are progressively goodness of planning eating habit hence rate of blood sugar of diabetisi will be downhill, diligent to progressively do physical exercise as according to guidance which have been given hance rate of blood sugar will be occurance of status complication of diabetisi will be more easy to happened. Recommendation of this paper is improve understanding of diabetisi abaut bahavior of planning eating habits which must be accompanied by physical exercise as according to recommendation.