By the Primary Law 1945 mentioned that state of Indonesia is a united state along with decentralization principle. Based on the certain criteria that is established with the government regulation. A certain are can be settled to become local autonomy divide into several area when it considered has a potention that is possible to be settled with a new territory. One of the manifestation from the local autonomy implementation is a plan to established a local autonomy of Raha City. The writters has done a research in Muna Regency at South East Celebes Province that is has a plan to established City of Raha. This phenomenon who is the writer take up had a focus on the process of a new local autonomy settles of Raha City and also a requirements to be local autonomy. This research method using qualitative method with description design. The qualitative method is being chosen to get the meaning and the understanding about the aspect that to be local autonomy. This research method using qualitative method with description design. The qualitative method is being chosen to get the meaning and the understanding about the aspect that is being research about the plan of city established such as the spreading from a territory in order to be a local autonomy. based on the writter research appearance policy established of Raha City caused by, first of all , the people power aspiration and the other stakeholders in efforts to settled Raha City. Secondly , juridicaly is very possible espicialy BY the 2004 ordinance number 32 about local government, erasing and the Government Rules Number 78 In 2007 about the established arrangement , erasing, and the marging territory. Seen from the proper aspect of a local settled in Raha City based on the criteria of cities level that is consist of economic ability criteria, the occupation, equality and people density, wide area and wide building area , cities fasility, the role and city function from the government state. Shown that the settled plan of Raha City should be observe still further. Because of several criteria that is not filled the requirement such as a part if the society occupation in agriculture sector and from the level of people density is still under the standard but from the proper aspect, the settled of Raha city the standard because many part of the settled criteria of autonomy city is being completed. Thinking about there is already have two indicators that is not filled yet criteria of the city settled, then the writter suggested in order to main part of Raha is not settled as an autonomy city but go through with a new regency.