ABSTRAKDisertasi ini mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan sistem barter tetap bertahan di Lamalera, Nusa Tenggara Timur, di tengah penetrasi ekonomi uang. Studi ini merupakan penelitian triangulasi (gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif) dengan disain deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Temuan studi ini merekomendasikan agar dalam menghadapi hegemoni ekonomi uang perlu digali dan dicoba model ekonomi yang berbasis budaya sambil mengkombinasikannya dengan teknologi modern (the New Traditional Economy). Secara khusus didorong penerapan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Islam yang ternyata lebih tahan guncangan krisis dibanding sistem kapitalisme. Community economics sangat disarankan untuk menjadi model dalam pembangunan masyarakat, khususnya ekonomi.
Sebagai bagian dari implikasi kebijakan disarankan agar dalam kampanye penyelamatan lingkungan, termasuk pelestarian spesies hewan langka, diprioritaskan faktor kesejahteraan penduduk pribumi yang secara langsung bergantung pada sumber daya alam di sekitarnya.
ABSTRACTThis dissertation set to explore factors affecting the barter system in Lamalera, East Nusa Tenggara, survives the penetration of the money economy. This study applies the triangulation methods (mixed-methods) combining the qualitative and quantitative methodology using descriptive and quantitative design. The findings of this study recommends among others that in facing the hegemony of money economy it is advisable to explore a new economic model which is based on culture while combining it with modern technology (under the sociological label of the New Traditional Economy). The study specifically endorses the application of the Islamic economy principles which are commonly regarded as more vulnerable to economic and financial crises than the capitalistic economy. Community economics meanwhile was eagerly approved to become a model in the development of society, especially that of economic development.
As part of the practical implication it was highly recommended that in the campaign for the environmental conservation, including endangered species such as spermwhales, the economic and social interest of local people should be given high priority.