Tesis ini membahas mengenai penerapan komitmen Indonesia dalam melakukan liberalisasi commercial presence perbankan dan prinsip akses pasar sesuai dengan GATS dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia, keselarasan pengatural commercial presence dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia dengan komitmen Indonesia dan prinsip akses pasar dalam GATS serta memberikan masukan untuk penyempurnaan yang terkait dengan pengaturan commercial presence perbankan di Indonesia.Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yang bersifat preskriptif dengan menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengaturan commercial presence perbankan dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia lebih liberal dibandngkan dengan komitmen Indonesia dalam GATS. Pengaturan commercial presence perbankan dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia telah menerapkan prinsip akses pasar sesuai ketentuan GATS sehingga peraturan telah selaras dengan pprinsip akses pasar dalam GATS. Hasil penelitian anatar lain menyarankan bahwa optimalisasi peran da kontribusi bank asing terhadap pengembangann perekonomian Indonesia perlu ditingkatkan.
This thesis discusses the application of Indonesia's commitment to the liberalization of commercial presence in banking and the principle of market access in accordance with the GAlS in the regulations of Bank Indonesia, the alignment settings of commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank Indonesia with the commitment of Indonesia and the principle of market access in GATS as well as advise for improvements related to setting commercial banking presence in Indonesia This thesis uses the method that is prescriptive nonnative research using qualitative approaches.
Based on the research, setting commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank Indonesia is more liberal when compared with Indonesia's commitment in the GATS so that the setti ngs are not in line with lndonesias commitment in the GATS. Settings commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank fudonesia has adopted the principle of nmrket access aCCOiding to the provisions of GATS so that the settings have been aligned with the principles of market access in GATS. Among other results suggest that optimization of the role and contribution of foreign banks to the economic development of Indonesia should be improved.