The 2009 legislative general election is a new era of the general election in Indonesia. Law No. 10/2008 about the General Election Implementation mandetes the General Election Commission (KPU) to socialize or distribute information about the general election implementation to the society. This study describes the content of general election socialization new in three local newspapers, namely Kedaulatan Rakyat, Bernas and Harian Jogja. The sample of this study is cpmpiled from daily issues (on the socialization of the general election from March 1 to April 8, 2009 (n=26 news units from the three newspapers). The findings of this study describes that the KPU has a minor role in socializing the general election. It is the society who has a major role of the KPU and political parties in socializing the general election influence negatively the legislative general election influence negatively general election 2009.