This thesis consists of research findings on the aspects of policy reinforcement and international cooperation as parts of Indonesian efforts to remain outside the list of NCCTs. The Indonesian status to be off the list does not only relieve us but also creating further challenges and consequences for which if we do not preserve and improve the status, it will become a weakness point for Indonesia in handling the policies of crime prevention and eradication of money laundering.
In this research, the researcher uses a qualitative method of document analysis by the technique of data collection through interviews with source persons. In this regard, the researcher using the theory from Reuter and Truman which explains that in order to prevent and eradicate money laundering may be conducted by two pillars i.e. prevention and enforcement pillars.
The prevention pillar consists of four main pillar namely customer due diligence, reporting, regulation and supervision, and sanction. While the enforcement pillar consists of four main pillars namely predicate crime, investigation, prosecution and punishment, and confiscation. The prevention pillar functions to prevent the money laundering by applying customer due diligence to financial institution, while enforcement pillar functions when the money laundering has occurred by conducting assets confiscation of money laundering proceeds through international cooperation.
Based on the findings it is found that the Indonesian efforts to remain outside the list of NCCTs using the aspects of policy reinforcement and international cooperation are not maximized. The researcher argues that Indonesia is unwillingly implementing the prevention and eradication of money laundering which can be seen from both aspects and they are implemented fully in accordance with the FATF international standard. If this remains to exist by the Government of Indonesia or does not have special attention, Indonesia must be put on the list of NCCTs.