Tesis ini membahas tentang mengapa back channel negotiation atau negosiasi tertutup berhasil mewujudkan Oslo Agreement antara Israel dan Palestina. Teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tersebut adalah teori back channel negotiation. Keberhasilan dari back channel ini tidak terlepas dari empat kategori ketidakpastian yang menjadi alasan para peserta negosiasi untuk menjalankan negosiasi back channel. Empat kategori ketidakpastian tersebut meliputi ketidakpastian terhadap the cost of entry, spoilers, kepentingan dan prioritas, serta hasil. Hasil penelitian pada tesis ini menemukan bahwa kedua belah pihak mengalami kesemua kategori ketidakpastian tersebut. Sehingga dari keputusan untuk menggunakan negosiasi back channel, kesepakatan Oslo dapat dicapai.
This thesis discussed about why the back channel negotiation was successful created Oslo Agreement between Israel and Palestine. The theory that was used to reply this research question was the theory of the back channel negotiation. The success from the back channel was not free from four categories of the uncertainty that became the reason of the participants in negotiations to undertake negotiations in a manner was closed (the back channel). Four categories of this uncertainty covered the uncertainty against the cost of entry, spoilers, the interests and the priorities, and outcome. Results of the research to this thesis found that the two sides experienced all the category of this uncertainty. So as from the decision to use the back negotiations channel, the Oslo agreement could be achieved.