Latar belakang: xylitol adalah gula alkohol dengan 5 ikatan rantai karbon yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan manusia. Dalam bidang kedokteran gigi, xylitol memiliki peran sebagai antikaries gigi karena dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans penyebab karies gigi. Namun belum diketahui efek pemaparan xylitol terhadap sel-sel pulpa gigi. Pulpa gigi merupakan jaringan yang sensitif terhadap paparan benda asing. Pada pulpa gigi yang terbuka, xylitol dapat menimbulkan efek biologik.
Tujuan: untuk mendeteksi efek paparan xylitol dalam beberapa konsentrasi terhadap protein total dan profil protein sel-sel pulpa gigi secara in vitro.
Metode: sampel penelitian berasal dari sel-sel pulpa gigi sehat (tanpa karies) yang baru diekstraksi. Selanjutnya dikultur selama semalam dan dilanjutkan dengan subkultur selama semalam. Kemudian kelompok perlakuan xylitol dipaparkan xylitol dengan konsentrasi 2%, 4%, 8%, dan 16%, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak diberi paparan xylitol. Protein total sel-sel pulpa gigi diukur dengan menggunakan metode Bradford assay dan profil protein sel-sel pulpa gigi dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode SDS PAGE.
Hasil: rerata konsentrasi protein total (µg/ml ± SD) sel-sel pulpa gigi kelompok perlakuan xylitol 2% (23031,305 ± 1636,87), kelompok perlakuan xylitol 4% (26380,865 ± 3278,0), kelompok perlakuan xylitol 8% (23192,574 ± 1441,39), dan kelompok perlakuan xylitol 16% (21498,481 ± 2633,37) memiliki rerata konsentrasi protein total sel-sel pulpa gigi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (19013,045 ± 2188,51) dan memiliki perbedaan bermakna berdasarkan uji statistik Oneway ANOVA. Namun, antar kelompok perlakuan xylitol 2%, 4%, 8% dan 16% tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05). Pada gambaran profil protein, tampak terjadi perubahan profil protein pada kelompok perlakuan xylitol 2% dan 8%.
Simpulan: pada penelitian ini terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi protein total dan perubahan profil protein selsel pulpa gigi setelah pemaparan xylitol.
Background: xylitol is sugar alcohol with 5 carbon atom in the molecule which has many benefits for human health. In dentistry, xylitol is an anti-cariogenic agent as it can inhibit Streptococcus mutans growth. Nevertheless, the effect of xylitol exposure to dental pulp cells has not been known yet. Dental pulp is a sensitive tissue toward exposure of several agents. In the exposed dental pulp, xylitol can cause biological effects. Objectives: the effect of xylitol with several concentrations determined to total protein and protein profile of the dental pulp cells culture. Methods: the dental pulp cells were obtained from healthy and freshly extracted teeth (non-caries). Furthermore, dental pulp cells were cultured overnight and then subcultured another overnight. Afterwards, xylitol treatment group was exposured by 2%, 4%, 8%, and 16% xylitol, while control group was not exposured by xylitol. Total protein cells was measured by Bradford assay method and protein profile was analized by SDS PAGE. Results: the mean of total protein (µg/ml ± SD) cells concentration? of 2% xylitol group (23031,305 ± 1636,87), 4% xylitol group (26380,865 ± 3278,0), 8% xylitol group (23192,574 ± 1441,39), and 16% xylitol group (21498,481 ± 2633,37) were statistically higher than the control group (19013,045 ± 2188,51). However, there were not significant differences between 2%, 8%, and 16% xylitol groups. From the result of SDS PAGE, it was shown that there was altered protein profile in 2% and 8% xylitol group. Conclusions: in this research, the concentration of total protein cells were increased and the cells protein profile was altered in the dental pulp cells after xylitol exposured.