Motivation have a primary needs in an organization, in sub part of chief administration and protocol which an organization having main task and function to operate programs in which formal programs in government of Depok City where an organization have needs good works motivation. When doing a task in protocol division, good motivation in each implementer employees was needed.
This research has describe to look and description a perception of employees about work motivation in sub part of chief administration and protocol of general division regional secretarial Depok city. This research using a quantitative method with a type description research and use cross sectional survey dimension. Total population in this research is 30 respondent and use total sample technique. All data has a count by SPSS version 15.
Mc.Clelland (Needs Theory) has a focus about three factor; needs of success, needs of power or work authority and needs affiliation. Need of success consist of indicatorindicator work result, timing of finished works, resolve problems and detention in work and effectively. Needs of power consist of authority and responsibility. Needs affiliation consists of relationship with work partner, relationship with a chief and level of participation in organization. Based on process data result find out an employees perception about work motivation in sub part of chief administration and protocol of general secretariat regional city of Depok in high level.