Negara mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyediakan pekerjaan yang layak serta melindungi hak setiap warga negaranya, baik yang terdapat dalam wilayahnya maupun yang terdapat di wilayah negara lain, saat mereka melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. Kantor perwakilan baik diplomatik maupun konsuler, berdasarkan hukum internasional dan hukum nasional berperan dalam melindungi warga negara pengirim di dalam wilayah negara lain. Perlindungan tersebut diberikan kepada setiap warga negara, termasuk kepada TKW. Perlindungan terhadap hak-hak TKW menjadi sangat penting untuk diperhatikan karena banyaknya kasus pelanggaran hak mereka serta peranan penting mereka bagi perekonomian negara, mengingat banyaknya devisa yang diperoleh negara dari mereka. Kantor perwakilan Indonesia memberikan perlindungan tersebut diberikan dalam bentuk bantuan hukum serta dalam bentuk pemenuhan hak sesuai dengan perjanjian kerja dan hukum kerja negara tempat TKW tersebut bekerja.
State has the responsibilities to provide a proper mean of support to their citizen and protect the interest of their nationalities, which lives in their territory or lives in other state territory, while them doing their mean of support. State Representation Office, diplomatic representation or consular representation, based on international law and national law play the important role in protecting the interest of their citizen who live in the receiving state territory. The Representation Office gives such as protection to all citizens including to the women migrant worker. The protection upon the interest of women migrant worker become a very important issue because the massive number of the violation of their rights and they play a very significant role in developing our country economical growth. Indonesian?s representation office gives such protection in form legal assistance and assistance in fulfillment the women migrant worker based on their contract and local labor code.