Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana sebaran lokasi, pengaruh curah hujan dan kondisi fisik lokasi banjir di Pulau Batam selama periode 2002 - 2008. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa selama periode 2002-2008 terjadi lokasi banjir sebanyak 54 titik yang tersebar di bagian Barat, Utara, dan Timur. Besarnya curah hujan wilayah secara keseluruhan berpengaruh terhadap banyaknya kejadian banjir. Namun banyaknya lokasi kejadian di dalam masing-masing DAS dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik fisik DAS tersebut. Banjir di Pulau Batam sebagian besar terdapat pada penggunaan tanah jalan dan pemukiman yang memiliki lereng yang relatif landai.
Island Flood Location The focus of this research is about the spread of location, the influence of rainfall and physical condition of Batam Island flood location during 2002-2008. The method of research using descriptive analysis. The result of the research can be concluded that during 2002-2008, there are 54 flood locations which is spreading in West, South, and East. The number of rainfall were influenting to the number of flood occurance. However, the number of occurance location in every catchment area is influenced by its physical characteristic. Most of the flood occurance in Batam Island can be found in roadway and settlement that have a slope slightly.