Telah dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar mioglobin serum & urin pada 37 atlet maraton nasional peserta pertandingan Asian Marathon III & Proklamaton XV. Tiga atlet menunjukkan kadar mioglobin < 50 ug/L dan 34 atlet yang lain menunjukkan kadar mioglobin 211-3300 ug/L. Rhabdomiolisis didapatkan hanya pada 2 atlet sehingga angka kejadian rhabdomiolisis adalah 6,1%. Didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara mioglobinemia dan prestasi lari. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 207-14)
Serum and urine myoglobin assessments were conducted on 37 national marathon athletes who participated in the Asian Marathon III & Proklamaton XV. Three athletes showed a myoglobin value of < 50 ug/L and the other 34 athletes showed a myoglobin value of 211-3300 ug/L. Rhabdomyolysis were only found in 2 athletes, thus the prevalence of rhabdomyolysis is 6.1%. A correlation was found between myoglobinemia value and the athlete’s performance. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 207-14)