INTRODUCTIONA scientific movement called the Enlightenment came to America around 1770. It originated in the same movement which had spread through Euro e after the coming of the Renaissance in the fourteenth century. During this era, people sought, explored and invented new things such as Galileo telescope, Newton's law of gravitation and so forth. This spirit of exploration began to dominate intellectual life in America and turned the pessimistic orthodox Puritan notions of the eucated classes into more liberal views. The Englightment put reason above autorithy. It encourage scientific inquiry and a eliefe in the perfectibility of man. The philosopher of the Enlightenment rejected the gloomy determinism of orthodox Puritanism that man was totally depraved and the belief in origin sin.
This pessimistic notion was derived from Calvinism which believed in the divinity of God, the power of the Bible and the inscrutability of nature (Horton & Edwards, 1952: p.50).