The industrial transformation phenomenon that leads to more competitive structure in global business environment has become a common issue, and it happens in almost every business sector This condition has forced all business organizations to compete to be the best. Consequently the business competition becomes tougher and the change of environment becomes very complex due to the massive change of environment pressure towards the organization.
To able to survive and be the front-runner in such competitive environment, an organization must transform itself to become an HPO organization. According to Lytle (1998:4) HPO is an organization that has a high response to future demands, has ability to provide superior results on three dimensions such as : Performance, Adaptability and People. These three dimensions can be achieved if such organization can manage four basic aspects that are interdependent, covering : Work process and technology, Organization structure, People and Organization cuirure.
The transformation process from a traditional organization to become an HPO organization will be properly conducted if the process is managed with proper transformation management principles. In this case, before preceeding with a transformation process, the management must first solve the following issues, such as : Solid business reason for change, Shared vision of the future organization, Clear road map for change process, Comprehensive change strategic and plan, Effective project planning and managing structure, Realistic expectation, Political support, Policies-systems-contracts that support change, Adequate resources, Competent and commited people, Major investment in training and development, Constructive relationship among key parties, involvement people, information available to all, and skillfull out-in leadership.
The objective of this research is to identify any critical factors in the transformation process to become an HPO organization, by using study case on PT. Persero Angkasa Pura 1 (AP1). The research is conducted through a qualitative approach by using Soft System Methodology (SSM) from Checkland (1990) as its analytical tools. The use of SSM in this research is based on the consideration that SSM is the most appropriate tool for conducting the research related to the transformation on 'human and culture' aspects. SSM is based on a notion that human and organizational factors cannot be separated from problem solving and decision making (Pidd, 1996). The data collection technique is carried out through an in-depth interview with persons that are mosthr affected by the transformation process, field observation as well as desk research.
The research result concludes that the transformation process of an organization to become an HPO organization by PT. Persero Angkasa Pura 1 was not property conducted and has failed. The factors that are attributable to the failure of such transformation process are : misundestanding about HPO concept by management and employees, the low capability of environment assessment by the organization, the inadequate leadership of the companys management, poor of change management, low competency of Human Resources especially in non aero division as well as the existence of culture that is still not conform with the HPO culture.
In order to successfully complete the transformation process, the management must be able to solve such issues and utilize strong support from political aspect (Commissioners), the availability of sufficient fund, competent Human resourcess in aero division and high performance of operation.